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An "account" represents the a businesses that your organisation interacts with, whether a supplier or customer.


An "asset" is any resource with economic value owned or controlled by an individual or organization. This includes physical items like property and equipment, as well as intangible assets such as patents and intellectual property. Proper management is crucial for maximizing their benefits.

Asset (IT)

An "IT asset" refers to any technology-related resource with economic value owned or managed by an individual, company, or organization. This includes hardware such as computers, servers, networking devices, and peripherals, as well as software licenses, digital data, and digital infrastructure.

Asset (Vehicle)

A "vehicle asset" pertains to any motorized transportation resource owned or utilized by an individual, company, or organization. This includes cars, trucks, vans, buses, motorcycles, and any other type of vehicle used for business or personal purposes.


A "bill" is a formal request for payment issued by a service provider or vendor to your business as the customer. It outlines the charges for products or services provided, along with payment details and due dates.


A "contact" typically refers to a person with whom you or your business have some form of communication or connection.

Corrective Actions

"Corrective Actions" refer to the steps taken by an organization to address and rectify issues identified in relation to health and safety in the workplace. These actions are implemented to prevent recurrence of incidents, hazards, or non-compliance with health and safety regulations.


CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It refers to a strategy, software, or system that businesses use to manage interactions and relationships with current and potential customers. The goal of CRM is to improve customer satisfaction, retain existing customers, and drive sales growth by organizing and automating customer interactions, sales, marketing, and customer service processes.


A "department" refers to a distinct division or functional unit within an organization that is responsible for specific tasks, functions, or operations. Departments are typically structured based on the organization's needs, goals, and areas of focus, and they play a crucial role in the overall functioning and management of the organization.


An "employee" is an individual who works for an organization or company in exchange for compensation, such as wages, salary, or benefits. Employees contribute their skills, time, and effort to the organization's operations, projects, and objectives, playing a crucial role in its success and growth.

Gantt Chart

A "Gantt chart" is a popular project management tool used to visually represent the schedule of tasks and activities required to complete a project. It provides a graphical timeline that shows the start and finish dates of individual tasks, as well as the dependencies between tasks.


An "industry" refers to a category of businesses or organizations that are engaged in similar economic activities or provide related products or services. Industries are characterized by a common set of activities, production processes, technologies, and market dynamics.


An "invoice" is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer that itemizes a sale transaction. It includes details such as the products or services provided, quantities, prices, payment terms, and due dates. Invoices serve as a request for payment from the buyer to the seller for goods or services rendered.


A "lead" refers to a person or entity that has shown interest in a company's products or services but has not yet progressed to become a customer.

Leave Request

A "leave request" is a formal process through which an employee requests time off from work for various reasons, such as vacation, sick leave, personal reasons, or other approved leave types. This process allows employees to communicate their planned absence to their supervisors or managers and seek approval in accordance with the organization's policies and procedures.


"Licenses" refer to permits, certifications, or authorizations required by businesses or organizations to operate legally and safely within a specific jurisdiction or industry. These licenses are typically issued by government agencies, regulatory bodies, or industry associations to ensure that businesses comply with relevant laws, regulations, and standards.


An "opportunity" refers to a potential sales deal or a potential revenue-generating event for a business. It represents a specific potential transaction with a customer or client.

Performance Review

A "performance review," also known as a performance appraisal or evaluation, is a formal process in which an employee's job performance and contributions are assessed and discussed with their supervisor or manager. The purpose of a performance review is to provide feedback, set goals, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and align individual performance with organizational objectives.

Probation Review

A "probation review" is a formal evaluation conducted by an employer to assess the performance, conduct, and suitability of an employee during a probationary period. This period is typically a specified duration at the beginning of employment, during which the employee's performance and behavior are closely monitored to determine if they meet the employer's expectations and standards.


"Policies" are formal guidelines, rules, or principles established by an organization to govern its operations, procedures, and behaviors of employees. These policies outline the expectations, standards, and responsibilities that employees must adhere to while working within the organization.


A "project" is a temporary endeavor aimed at creating a unique product, service, or outcome. It has specific objectives, deliverables, risks, exclusions, and budgets, with defined scope and a set timeline for completion.

Project Objectives

"Project objectives" are specific, measurable goals that a project aims to achieve within a defined timeframe. They provide a clear direction and purpose for the project, guiding the activities and decisions of the project team. It is important throughout the project to keep the status of the objective up to date as these will feed into the ‘Project Sign-off’ process.

Project Deliverable

"Project deliverables" are tangible or intangible results, outputs, or products that are produced or provided as a result of completing a project. They represent the outcomes or end products that stakeholders expect to receive upon the successful completion of the project. Deliverables can be items, documents, services, or any other measurable results that fulfill the project objectives. Deliverables are used in the ‘Project Sign-off’ process.

Project Risk

"Project risks" are potential events or circumstances that could have a negative impact on the successful completion of a project. These risks represent uncertainties that may arise during the course of the project and could result in delays, cost overruns, quality issues, or failure to achieve project objectives. Identifying, assessing, and managing project risks is a critical aspect of project management to minimize their impact and increase the likelihood of project success.

Project Exclusion

"Project exclusions" refer to specific items, tasks, activities, or deliverables that are explicitly stated as being outside the scope of the project. These exclusions are defined to establish boundaries and clarify what will not be included or addressed as part of the project. Clearly identifying project exclusions helps manage stakeholder expectations, prevent scope creep, and focus efforts on the key objectives of the project.

Project Budget

A "project budget" refers to the estimated financial plan that outlines the total costs required to complete a project within a specified scope, timeframe, and quality standards. It includes all expenses associated with project activities, resources, materials, services, and any other costs related to achieving project objectives. The project budget serves as a guideline for managing and controlling expenditures throughout the project lifecycle.


A "quote" refers to a formal document sent to a potential customer detailing the prices, terms, and specifications of the products or services being offered for sale.


A "task" refers to a specific activity or piece of work that may be part of a project or workflow. Tasks are typically smaller, actionable items that contribute to achieving broader objectives. They are often assigned to individuals or teams and have clear deadlines.

WHS Incidents

"WHS Incidents" refer to workplace health and safety incidents that occur within an organization. These incidents involve any event or occurrence that results in injury, illness, near misses, property damage, or dangerous occurrences in the workplace. Managing WHS (Work Health and Safety) incidents is crucial for ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of employees and others in the workplace.